Super Secret Answer to Job Interview Question: "So, tell us a little bit about yourself."
How many times have you been to a job interview and you get asked the question, "So...tell us a little bit about yourself...."
Of course, you have probably prepared and practiced your answer. It is a fairly typical question, and it isn't about what you say so much as how you say it. The content is only somewhat important.
Consider this question the icebreaker between you and the people deciding if you are the right fit for the job.
You can prepare yourself with this general structure:
- Present: Tell them what you do at your job, how much impact you have, and any of your big contributions..
- Past: Explain how you got to where you are in your career and give them some highlights of your job journey, especially linking your past to what is relevant to the company and the job you are there to get.
- Future: Now you layout your job/career goals, what you want to do inside the job you are applying for, why you think you're a good match.
Okay, great. But...ho hum. Right?
After all, you can find all this sort of job interview guidance online...almost anywhere you care to look. Here is a link to one such popular "how to answer" article: Tell me about yourself
After telling them your answer, you save this bit for the very, very end.
And when you finish using this Top Secret Tip I am about to give you...zip your mouth and don't say another word.
Wait until the next question comes at you before you say another word.
So, when you have completed your nice, well-practiced answer, you add this magic spell. You say, clearly and slowly:
"...but the most important thing you need to know about me is...."
This is a brief statement about yourself in relationship to your skills and talents. It has to be true and it has to be relatively short. Let's say you are applying for a job as an ESL teacher to non-native English language students.
Here is an example:
"...but the most important thing you need to know about me is that I help my English students to speak English better than I do."
Whatever the job you are applying for, you will have a headline you can create to emphasize the most important thing about you that they need to know.
It is up to you to craft your own, unique headline that tells it like it is.
Think of it this way...when someone asks you what your job is, and you are a salesperson in retail, that is what you will answer: "I work in retail as a salesperson."
That is one crappy headline.
The truth is more like this: "I help my company make more money and acquire repeat business from satisfied customers."
That is your headline.
The effect of this technique is to cement yourself into the interviewer's memory. When they come to consider you for the next part of getting the job, you are going to stand out in a good way. This is powerful stuff, so practice saying your headline and have it ready.
One excellent way to practice with real people is to use your headline the next time someone asks you what you do...what your job is.
Please review the following to get ready:
- Take time to craft the perfect headline for yourself.
- Don't be shy when you trot it out in the job interview.
- As you say your headline, make eye contact.
- Take your time when you reveal your headline.
- When you finish, don't say another word.
- Wait for the next question.
Good luck!